So, what are the best hypoallergenic rugs material for allergy sufferers?
Mold and mildew smells are an example of allergy triggers in rugs.
A rug placed in a poor air circulation area can develop mold and mildew.
Also, if you do not dry a rug properly after cleaning it, you will end up with the same problem.
Read this guide on how to clean a rug and remove mildew, mold, pet urine, smoke, and all types of smells out.
Dust and pollen particles are other allergy triggers commonly caused by dirty rugs.
Dust mites are also other common causes of allergens on rugs.
They come because of food particles that drop on the rugs.
The feces and other wastes they leave on the rug are what cause allergic riggers.
Read this guide on how to get rid of dust mites, such as moths from rugs using simple and cheap solutions.
Best Hypoallergenic Rugs Material For Allergy Sufferers
#1 Synthetic
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Nylon and Polypylene and the two many types of synthetic material rugs which pass the test of being hypoallergenic rugs.
These two rugs have the following properties which make them ideal for homes with allergy sufferers;
Easy to clean: You can easily vacuum this rug material with simple steps without wasting too much time.
Affordable: You will get high-quality material for low costs and budget-friendly prices.
Repellent: They are repellent to water and other pollutants.
Resilient: These materials are not easily damaged by moths, dust mites, mold, and mildew among other destructive allergens.
#2 Natural
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Natural rugs are the direct opposite of synthetic rugs. The latter is chemically produced using machines while the former is handmade from natural materials.
Seagrass, cotton, jute, and sisal are common examples of natural fiber rug materials that pay the allergy test.
Below are some features which make natural rugs the best choice for people with allergies:
Tightly woven fibers: Natural rugs are handmade and created to full perfection by experts.
The fibers of these rugs are joined together in perfect harmony to remove any crevices, loops, and spaces where dust, pollen, mites, and mold may be trapped.
Low pile: Most natural rugs have a low pile feature which gives them the tightly woven property.
Natural: The fact that they are not treated with any chemicals during their production, eliminates the release of harmful toxins and allergens into the atmosphere.
Highly durable: A natural will serve you for an extended period of time without looking old or tearing down. This is a great return on investment and a cost-saving approach.
Non-shedding: Shedding fibers of the rug are also a known allergy-causing factor. Natural rugs do not shed or release any irritants.
Pro Tip: There is a type of natural rug known as an antique rug, such as Persian rugs or Turkish rugs.
You can read these two guides on; the type of Persian rugs & the difference between Persian and Turkish rugs for more details.
#3 Low Pile
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The loops of a low pile rug are tightly woven together which means there is no space where dust can penetrate through the rug fibers.
A low pile rug is also very easy to clean which means you can keep up with the routine of cleaning it regularly.
Most low pile rugs are very soft, a feature that will help to add more warmth and comfort to your underfoot.
Thus, make sure you afford rugs with a high pile like shag rugs because dust will be easily trapped in them. Getting that dust will be very hard too making the cleaning process more time-consuming and expensive.
Pro Tip: Low pile height are usually less than ¼ inches while high pile goes more than ½ inches long.
#4 VOC-labeled
A volatile Organic Compound (VOC) is a label put on items with low chemical treatments and toxic substances like benzene and formaldehyde.
Rugs labeled VOC are environmentally friendly, a feature that makes them ideal for people with allergic reactions.
#5 Machine-washable
A machine washable rug is a low maintenance because you can clean it anytime with little effort on your part.
Regular cleaning of a rug will keep away particles and pollutants causing allergies.
#6 Small Size
Instead of buying one large area rug which will be hard to maintain, and clean, you can decorate your home with small rugs which are easy to clean routinely.
#7 How To Make Your Home Hypoallergenic
A) Get an Air filter
An air filter like this Levoit HEPA filter air purifier will make the air clean from all pet, smoke, mold, and pollen pollutants.
B) Practice Proper and regular rug cleaning
Below are some proper rug cleaning tips you should practice to keep away allergens;
- Vacuum the rug regularly (at least once or twice) a week to remove dust and other forms of build-up which may cause allergies if left to sit too long.
Pro Tip: If the allergic person is the one who will handle the rug vacuuming process, take the following precautions. Firstly, make sure the vacuum cleaner you shall be using has a HEPA filter system to collect the allergens in a sealed bag instead of letting them escape into the room.
- If you choose the spot-cleaning method instead of vacuuming, make sure the carpet/rug cleaner soap you shall be rug is mild in smell to avoid any allergy triggers.
- If your alley is severe, take the rug to experts for professional cleaning regularly.
C) Keep a dust-free home
There are many ways to maintain a dust-free environment in your home like;
- Leave shows outside on outside doormats or inside on entryway rugs.
- Clean and dust floors regularly
- Change bedding and wipe drawers
- Shake off dust in area rugs outside periodically
#4 Have allergy Medication
No matter how you keep your home clean or buy the right rug, sometimes the allergy may still persist.
In such cases, make sure you have an allergy medication with you to minimize the effects and also increase your coping ability in allergic environments.